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Orgullosamente presentamos nuestro Score electrónico. Controloado abajo desde un panel de control (parte del suite del cotejador electrónico) y difundible a todo el mundo por medio de una pagina de internet. Y además, el Score Electrónico puede ser deplegable, inalambricamente, a las televisiones de su palenque por medio de ChromeCast(tm). Igualmente por métodos cableados.

El Score Electrónico es una muy útil herramienta que le muestra a su publico; 

  1. Datos del torneo, palenque, ubicación y fecha.
  2. Pelea en proceso 
  3. Las siguientes 3 peleas. y
  4. La hoja Score tradicional.
  5. Además el Panel de Control cuenta con temporizador digitales para la captura del tiempo de pelea.
  6. y Temporizador de 15 Segundos.

  Figura 1 (Salida HTML a la Nube)

Salida HTML - Score Electronico PalenqueSoft

  Figura 2 (Panel de Control abajo)

Panel de Control (abajo)

PalenqueSoft's Derby-Matcher is the version for U.S.A. of the Cotejador Electrónico PalenqueSoft. Which both are Gamefowl Match Maker software. 

Use this Match-Maker software and give certainty to its customers; owner and audience of an impartial collation. With no cheating, misunderstandings, or unwanted favoritisms. With the advantage that it does in seconds which using traditionally methods takes hours, especially when doing it manually.

This image is a sample of the Fowl Editor module.The PalenqueSoft's Derby-Matcher is a simple to use software. Soon I will add more information.


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General Guidelines.

The software installation is a simple two steps procedure. In which, the first step is the installation of a package of "Basic Libraries" and the second step is the installation of dedicated software for example, Attendance Control, POS or Derby Matcher, among others.

Basic Libraries

Install this package before installing any package dedicated. It is just a typical installation procedure. In the case of Windows 7, be sure to run the installer as "Administrator". In the case of Windows 8, Windows 8.1 & Windows 10, we advise you to run the compatibility tool and use the recommended values or manually make it compatible, the installer package, with Windows XP SP3.

Basic Libraries- Download Link.


PalenqueSoft's Derby Matcher

This package must be installed after the "Basic Librares" (Above described). It is just a typical installation of Windows and we also advice you to run the compatibility tool (provided by Windows) as well. It is very important that you NOT ALLOW THE FIREWALL LOCKOUT to the setup file nor the Derby Matcher. So I recommend either of these two things;

1) Pay close attention and carefully read messages throughout the facility. Especially the firewall dialog box (firebreaks) that will ask you whether to block or not this software. Please choose the option or .

2) Another viable option is to completely disable the firewall during installation and not re-activate it after the "PalenqueSoft MatchMaker " software is running as an active process. Even so, pay close attention if your software "security" package as it detects an intrusion and give the privilege of for the Derby-Matcher work properly.

Some firewall packages asume a paranoid personality and make highly dangerous decisions without asking the user. Given this case, please brace yourself with trusted computer technician so that you resolve such problems. If you need technical support for our part, we will be more than willing to assist you. Please consult our contact form for more details.

PalenqueSoft's Derby Matcher - Download Link

If you have trouble; downloading, installing and/or operating, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll be happy assist you..


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Estimado empresario de palenque, coteje sus torneos por computadora y dé certeza a sus clientes-partidos de un 'Matcheo' justo e imparcial. Sin trampas, mal entendidos, ni favoritismos.

Bienvenido a

Nuestra página aun está en desarrollo. Pero es precisamente aquí donde usted puede adquirir el "Cotejador automatizado de PalenqueSoft" que le hará sus operaciones de administracion de eventos mucho mas sencillos y llevaderos. 

Pronto habrá un gestionador en linea para ésta adquisición de éste u otro de nuestros productos de software. Pero por lo pronto la manera de adquisición es contactandonos por medio de la forma de contacto que está en ésta,  nuestra página. Y así le guiaremos en el proceso de adquisición.

Esperamos poder servirle pronto.